Echo Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marines

September 1 - 4, 2023 Neihart, MT
Echo Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marines held their reunion at Camp Rotary near Neihart, MT.
Echo Co. 2/5 conducted the invasion as part of RCT 5. They battled on the outskirts of Baghdad and subsequently secured parts of the city. Afterwards, they primarily operated in southern Iraq for another 6 months. In September of 2004, they replaced 2/4 in Ramadi and experienced a highly kinetic deployment.
From the first day of their reunion the combat veteran of Echo Co. 2/5 immediately got busy with reconnecting over the wonderful food provided by our local volunteers and relaxing around the fire. The second day saw them demonstrating that service does not stop after the military when they chopped firewood to be used by the young campers who use Camp Rotary. Finally, on their third day they demonstrated that their camaraderie is still strong on a hike through nearby Sluice Boxes State Park.