Golf Co. 2nd Battalion 1st Marines

January 27 - 30, 2023 Camp Pendleton, CA
From Friday January 27, 2023, to Monday January 30, 2023, the combat veteran Marines and sailors of Golf Company 2nd Battalion 1st Marines conducted a unit reunion aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in Southern California.
These warriors participated in the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003, engaging in combat operations in Um Qasr, Basrah, and Nasiriyah. The following year, in 2004, they were deployed to Fallujah, a focal point of insurgent activity at the time. Golf 2/1 played a crucial role in seizing the city, particularly at the bridges spanning the Euphrates River in March 2004. After securing the bridges, they were redeployed to the train station located at the city's northern extremity. By the end of May, the unit managed key tasks including patrolling the area and overseeing the primary traffic control point into Fallujah, known as the cloverleaf. Throughout their deployment, G 2/1 faced numerous intense firefights in and around the city. While the company tragically lost several Marines and many sustained serious injuries, they remained undefeated in every battle they encountered.
During their reunion at Camp Pendleton, the group stayed in the Del Mar Beach area. Here, they rekindled old bonds around campfires, relishing a few days of sand and surf. A poignant highlight of their time together was a hike to the memorial crosses above Camp Horno, where they were previously stationed. Standing before the crosses, they took a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made by their fellow Marines and sailors.
Feedback From The Troops

Looking back, what is your biggest take away from your reunion?
"The therapeutic value of reconnecting with my brothers."