Golf Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marines (Vietnam)
“WRF worked tirelessly in making sure that every facet of organizing a memorable reunion was expertly taken care of. So much so, that basically all we had to do was show up!”

September 13-17, 2023 San Diego, CA
The Vietnam veterans of Golf Co. 2/5 allowed us to be a part of their reunion in San Diego. These veterans understand the power of reconnecting and have been reuniting for over 40 years. During their reunion, they were able to visit Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego and nearby Camp Pendleton.
Golf Co. 2/5 participated in the Vietnam War starting in 1966, engaging in battles in locations such as Chu Lai, Dong Ha, An Hoa, Phu Bai, and notably during the Battle of Hue City in the Tet Offensive. Many veterans from Golf Co. were highly decorated for their service, and a significant number bore the physical and emotional scars of combat.

The veterans visited the 5th Marines Memorial in Camp San Mateo on Camp Pendleton. While there, they conducted a wreath laying ceremony in the Vietnam section where so many of the Marines they fought next to are listed.

While aboard Camp Pendleton the veterans were warmly welcomed by the currently serving Marines of 2nd Battalion 5th Marines. 2/5 allowed the Vietnam veterans to tour its headquarters. They also opened up the armory and let the veterans get their hands on some of the modern tools our country's war fighters use today on the battlefield. The young Marines then stood by to answer any questions and ask a few of their own.

At MCRD the veterans also felt genuinely welcomed by the Marines who make Marines. They toured the depot's museum, attended a graduation, and got to experience standing on the "Yellow Footprints" again after half a century.