761st Ordnance Company (EOD)

April 13-14, 2023 | Fort Sill, OK

On April 14, 2023, the 761st Ordnance Disposal (EOD) commemorated their significant deployments in Kosovo (KFOR 3B) and Iraq (OIF-1) with a reunion at their headquarters on Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The event featured a capability briefing that included open, unclassified discussions about the unit's past, present, and future engagements. During the reunion, currently serving members of the 761st EOD hosted a luncheon for the unit's veterans, fostering a time of reflection and camaraderie.

Warrior Reunion Foundation supported a reunion dinner, and a more formal gathering on the 14th at the Lawton Country Club. These events honored the service of both past and present unit members, showcased memorabilia, and celebrated the 20th anniversary of their collaborative service in Iraq during the initial invasion. The reunion was attended by 53 veterans and active members of the 761st EOD unit, who came together to honor their shared legacy and achievements

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