VMFA-224 (AW) "The Fighting Bengals"

February 22 - February 25, 2024 | Beaufort, SC
Over 100 Marines, their guests, and Gold Star Family members from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (All Weather) 224, The Fighting Bengals, reunited in Beaufort, SC. The same place many of them served as aviators or support personnel, some more than 30 years ago. The Fighting Bengals that attended have flown thousands of combat sorties in iconic aircraft like the A4 Skyhawk, A6 intruder and the F/A-18 Hornet over several hostile countries while defending our nation and our allies.
These aviators spent thousands of hours supporting their fellow warriors on the ground during operations like Desert Storm, Deny Flight and Provide Promise in Bosnia, and numerous operations in support of Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.

The Marines spent the weekend reconnecting with each other, meeting each other's families, and honoring those that could not be there while recognizing their Gold Star Family members in attendance. A highlight of the weekend was "Bengal Story Time" where each Bengal had the opportunity to share stories that some had never heard and adding details to stories everyone has heard. This moment was documented for the unit by our partners at Witness to War Foundation.